Who? What? Where?
Everything you need to know and who to ask?
Welcome to CanZell Realty! This page is your one stop shop of who to contact when you need something.
Those letters mean what?
BOA: Branch Office Administrator
MP: Managing Partner
CL: Circle Leader
MB: Managing Broker
DOO: Director of Operations
COO: Chief Operating Officer
Who should I email?
I have an issue. Who should I email? Where can I find that info?
BOA (Admin Support): [email protected]
Technical Help: [email protected]
Transactions: [email protected]
Billing/Commissions/Accounting Help: [email protected]
Revenue Share: [email protected]
OptionTrax (Managing your Ownership Stock): [email protected]
What sites are important?
Branding/Logos/Colors: branding.canzell.com
Training/FAQ/Links to logins: canzellcloud.com
Internal CanZell Portal: canzellportal.com
Main Public Facing Site: canzell.com
Property Search Site: canzellhomes.com
Non-Profit, CR Cares: crcares.org
Main Recruitment Site: joincanzell.com
Recruiter Central – Where you can find scripts, videos, etc: joincanzell.com/recruiters
Luxury Site: canzellluxury.com
I need prompt help
Waiting for an email back isn't my style, can I call someone?
Transaction and Admin Help: 757-607-4647
Technical Help: 757-563-5404
Point of Contact
Who do I call?
As an agent, you have many people you can call to help guide you through your day-to-day business.

Corporate Leadership
Who does what?

Who Wears What Hat?
Branch Office Administrator (BOA)
- Handle all administrative tasks
- Complete transaction management for all files
- Full transaction coordination includes:
- QC’ing all files for all documents, signatures, and required fields
- Send out welcome letter to clients, cooperating agents, attorneys, lenders and transactions coordinators
- Remind agents of important dates and make sure deadlines are met
- Check on files with lenders and attorneys weekly to make sure closings are on track
- Get final ALTA’s and CD’s to make sure commissions and transactions fees are correct
- Final QC to make sure all documents are in for compliance
- Process commission and agent payment
- QC coordination (Agent or Agent’s TC does the transaction coordination – $200 transaction credit is refunded to the agent at closing)
- QC’ing all files for all documents, signatures, and required fields
- Final QC to make sure all documents are in for compliance
- Process commission and agent payment
- On-boarding Agents
- Going through the onboarding checklist to make sure each agent is fully on-boarded
- Off-boarding Agents
- Going though the off-boarding checklist to make sure each agent is fully off-boarded
- Pay all agent commissions
- Keep all agent E&O accounting up to date
- Mange questions on transactions and agent help via Slack and Workplace by Facebook
- Items you could contact a TC about:
- Questions on a transaction
- Questions on on-boarding
- Questions on off-boarding
- Questions on commissions
- Questions on E&O payments
- Simple questions on systems and processes
- Full transaction coordination includes:
Web Developers
- Develop systems to make the agent’s life easier and more efficient
- Help with any technical issues
- Integrate systems so agents have everything in one place
- How to contact web? [email protected]
- Items you could contact the help desk with:
- Technical issue with a system
- Issue logging in
- Issue with data being displayed incorrectly
Creative (Marketing/Video)
- Create new content for sales and recruitment ads
- Record/Edit Training videos
- Record/Edit corporate videos
- Help with systems that run our business
- Create new systems to help agents be more efficient and sell more
- Create and execute the vision and growth of the company
- Director of Operations:
- Handles Q&A everyday at 1pm helping agents with any system issues they had (https://zoom.us/j/7577171003 )
- Handles lead rules and making sure that agents are meeting compliance
- Oversees BOA’s
- Oversees Inside Sales
- Chief Operating Officer:
- Oversees all systems in the company
- Oversees state openings
- Researches and implements new programs and systems
- Oversees DOO and Web Department
- Items you would go to DOO for:
- Issues with a system
- Issues on-boarding
- Issues with a BOA
- Issues with ISA
- Plans and executes vision and growth of the company
- Drives recruitment of teams/brokerages to grow the company
- Oversees acquisition of small independent brokerages
- Items you would go to the President for:
- If you had a small brokerage or large team that wanted to join CanZell
Managing Broker
- Local broker to agents
- Answer contract and compliance questions
- Handle complaint calls
- Handle broker to broker issues
- Hold contract class once a week with agents in their circle
- Items you would go to the Managing Broker for:
- Contract questions your mentor can’t answer
- Broker to Broker issues
Managing Partner/Regional MP’s
- Oversee Circle Leaders
- Train Circle Leaders
- Answer questions Circle Leaders have
- Serve as a liaison between Circle Leaders and Upper Management
- Hire and grow new Circle Leaders
- Items you would go to them for:
- Questions an agent has asked that you don’t know the answer for
- Questions on Circle Leader training
- How to attract new agents to their circle
Circle Leader:
- Attend Circle Leader training once a month
- Meet with mentors once a month to receive an update and coach them on their mentees
- Hold 1 monthly training for the agents in your circle. Topics can include:
- Ways to increase your production
- Training on kvCore products
- Training on systems
- Prospecting Classes
- Attend weekly Management Calls
- Attend weekly National Call
- Hold weekly accountability groups with agents in your circle (right after the national call)
- Have an attitude of attraction in your conversations with other agents (2 per wk/min)
- Meet once a quarter with each agent in your circle, one on one
- Answer questions from agents on company systems and processes. Some examples could be:
- “How do I start a team?”
- “How do I hire a buyer’s agent?”
- “How do I hire an admin assistant?”
- “How do I expand in the luxury market?”
- “I don’t like my mentor, can I have a new one?”
- Answer all agent emails and texts within 2 business hours
- All compliance and Broker questions should be answered by the Managing Broker
How to add my
email to iPhone
Click on the links below on how to add your CanZell email to your iphone:
Here are a few tutorials on how to add email to your iPhone:
How to add my
email to Android
Click on the links below on how to add your CanZell email to your Android:
Here are a few tutorials on how to add email to your Android: