15 Days of Training
Over the next several days, we’ll go through training content to help familiarize you with our systems, processes, and benefits of being part of the CANFAM!
Day 1
Say hello to Heather!
You're on the path to success. There is one stop along the way that you should make...

Get social!
In this video, you’ll learn how to login to your Canzell portal and get custom marketing materials, shouting from the roof-tops that you CANZELL!
Day 2
You're officially team Canzell! But... Where's your email signature?!
Who you gonna' call? Canzell leaders!
Day 3
Just two things to get you unlimited access to the Canzell portal!
Let’s make sure that you are all setup. Heather is going to explain everything you need in order to get complete access to the Canzell portal and start serving clients!
It's time to get plugged into your new community!
Join the Canzell internal Facebook group! It’s always alive with resources and connections for you and your new coworkers! Let Chantel show you how!
Day 4
How do I use Brokermint?
Heather is going to go over Brokermint with you here!
Go like our CanZell Realty Facebook Page! We want you recognized!
We LOVE recognizing our agents!
We need to tag you so people can go check you out – as well as allow you to share the recognition as well!
Here’s all you have to do:
Go to https://www.facebook.com/CanzellRealty – and hit the Thumbs Up 👍🏼 to like the page 😊
Once you like the page, we can tag you!!!
What are you waiting for?? Go like the page now so we can make sure you are recognized for your GREAT WORK! 😊
Day 5
Alrighty! Let's get some amazing Canzell leads into your hands!
You’ve probably heard about our spectacular internal sales agency, right? They’re hard at work from 8AM – 9PM everyday getting leads for Canzell agents just like you!
Watch this video to find out how to get leads from them!
Day 6
Quick! Pretend you're a client trying to buy a new home! 🎭
Heather is going to present the Canzell Buyers’ Presentation to you as if you were her own client!
Quick! Pretend you're a client trying to sell your home! 🎭
Day 7
Have I ever told you that you look great on a sign? It's true!
Just sold a hot property? Want everyone to know so they know who to call when its their turn to Zell?
Day 8
Free professional Facebook posts. What more could you ask for?!!
Is that a diamond studded name tag gilded in gold??
Day 9
Congratulate your client on their closing with these awesome gifts! 🎁
When you walk in wearing your new CANZELL swag, the room while ooooh and ahhhhh...
Day 10
Take this as an opportunity to learn from the best!
Even the best ideas have the strongest objections. Take this training to learn how to navigate your objections
Day 11
Ready to see how Canzell cares for you and the communities we serve?
Day 12
We know the importance of knowledge. Also, sharing is caring. So we're sharing knowledge with you via incredible training from Anthony Lamacchia.
Let’s go on this training journey starting with, “How to Convert More Buyers and Sellers” – this training is the best you’ll ever experience.
Over the next few days, we’ll be sending you more golden eggs, so stay tuned!